Subitising, Welcome

Visual Cluster Cards, Subitising and Icon Cards – Same or Different?

I was recently introduced to Professor Hamesh Sharma by Judy Hornigold and to Chris Woodin  through my own research. I have always been an advocate for the importance of subitising as a foundation for number sense and mathematical thinking. Are Sharma’s visual clustering and Woodin’s icon cards related to subitising, or not! That’s what I… Read More Visual Cluster Cards, Subitising and Icon Cards – Same or Different?



Subitising refers to being instantly and automatically able to recognise small numerosities without having to count (Clements, 1999; Jung et al., 2013; Moeller et al., 2009; Clements & Sarama, 2009).   ‘Some suggest that subitising may well be the developmental prerequisite skill necessary to learn counting. If so, we should examine subitising more closely and… Read More Subitising

Number Sense, Stable Number Word Order

Stable-Order-Principle -Saying the Number Names in the Same Order Every Time

The stable-order-principle is one of the most basic principles of number and parents often think that this is the only concept a child needs to know.    It is the simple concept that the sequence for how we count always stays the same.    For example, it is always 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,… Read More Stable-Order-Principle -Saying the Number Names in the Same Order Every Time