Conceptual Subitising

Linking Conceptual Subitising to Mental Computation

  When children are first shown two groups to combine they often ‘count all.’ If they are not presented with suitable activities ‘counting all’ might become the default strategy for later computational tasks. Being able to subitise supports later mathematical abilities. It is important that children are supported in developing their ability to subitise as… Read More Linking Conceptual Subitising to Mental Computation

Conceptual Subitising, Subitising

Subitising – Moving from Perceptual to Conceptual

Conceptual subitising is the ability to recognise a whole quantity as the result of recognising smaller quantities. Sayers and others (2016) suggest that conceptual subitising may lead to the later development of arithmetic as it leads to decomposition or partitioning of numbers, the commutativity of addition, and part-whole knowledge. Sayers article is below and is an interesting… Read More Subitising – Moving from Perceptual to Conceptual